This Democratic primary race for U.S. Senate in Kentucky illustrates several pervasive contemporary trends.
These candidates are spending more time discussing each other’s personal lives rather than discussing the important issues facing the commonwealth and country.
Most of the so-called media follow the dirt rather than exposing a candidate’s (potential) performance as a public servant. (Tom Loftus of the Courier-Journal did a good job of doing the later.)
I really don’t care if Jack Conway spent 60 or so taxpayers’ dollars on room service or that Dan Mongiardo and wife ate desserts at a conference at your expense. (Based upon my experience in the public sectors, these are real minor breaches of the public trust.)
I really don’t care if Dan Mongiardo spends more travel money than Conway or vice-versa.
I certainly don’t care that Conway went to Duke and Mongiardo went to Transylvania.
Nobody’s perfekt; Only a few are without political sin.
Presidents Roosevelt, Kennedy, Johnson and Clinton had greater character flaws and engage in more shenanigans than Conway or Mongriado.
As we (Democrats) said about President Clinton, his character flaws (though greater than in either candidate for U.S. Senate) never impacted his ability to do the job.
None of President Clinton’s character flaws indicated a lack of commitment or care for all the people of this great land.
Presidents Roosevelt, Kennedy, and Johnson also engaged in numerous questionable personal actions as elected officials. President Kennedy, for example, used governmental personnel and resources for his plethora of sexual liaisons.
As long as Misters Conway and Mongiardo do not have any conflicts of interest between financial donors and public policy (which I doubt that they have), I don’t care about their character flaws. Knowing both of these good men, I doubt if they have such conflicts.
The American electoral system has become based upon character issues rather than on the real issue for the electorate—choosing the person who will best represent your interests at city hall, Frankfort, or Washington.
No wonder more and more people don’t give a damn for either party.
No wonder more and more people think the government is broken.
No wonder more and more people think that the U.S. is headed in the wrong direction.