For Immediate Release
February 5, 2010
Contact: Allison Haley
Office Phone: 502-632-1820
Mobile Phone: 859-539-5430
LOUISVILLE - Jack Conway, Democratic candidate for United States Senate, today
"I was very pleased yesterday to see Congress pass pay-as-you-go (PAYGO) legislation. PAYGO, if enforced, can act as an effective control on spending in Washington and help bring us the budget surpluses we had in the 1990s.
"I spent much of January traveling the state on our Kentucky Jobs Tour. Repeatedly, people told me they are tired of the fiscal irresponsibility of our elected leaders in DC. If elected to be Kentucky's next Senator, I will bring accountability to Washington, put a stop to out-of-control spending and cut the deficit.
"Prior to the State of the Union Address on January 27, I urged President Obama to call for renewed adherence to the PAYGO system and I am glad to see it has moved through Congress.
"In these challenging times, Kentucky families are forced to make tough choices to live within their means. Now Washington must do the same."