For Immediate Release
Contact: Allison Haley
December 2, 2009
Office Phone: 502-632-1820
Mobile Phone: 859-539-5430
Democratic candidate for US Senate Jack Conway, today released this statement in response to President Obama's speech last night:
"I think it is apparent that the President has given this issue of escalation in Afghanistan great deal of serious thought, and I appreciate the appropriate tone of his remarks, as well as the laudable goals he set forth.
"Success in this venture will mean leaving behind a stable government in Afghanistan that does not provide safe haven to Al-Qaeda. In order to do that, the United States will need serious commitments from NATO partners as well as political cooperation from partners in the region. While I agree with the President's goals, I heard too little about political cooperation from Pakistan and the threat it poses. Pakistan harbors the most dangerous mix of terrorists and nuclear weapons in the world. This is where our focus should be. We must have a policy that roots out terrorists from their hiding places, eliminates their threat, and brings our troops home quickly.
"As a United States Senator it would be my primary duty to help keep Americans safe. I would also weigh how any plan of action would affect Kentucky , our troops, their families and our standing among other nations. I know our military men and women will serve valiantly, but I have reservations about the President's position to send more troops. I do not feel President Obama has adequately explained how he will get Pakistan involved in the effort to combat Al-Qaeda. At its core, we are dealing with a regional issue which requires the cooperation of regional partners to ensure success."