Survey USA Data, Monday 11/3/09
The state's top elected Democrat, Governor Steve Beshear, whose favorable/unfavorable numbers were even at 47% two months ago, has slipped to a 44% approval rating vs. 50% disapproval.
Rasmussen Data-Monday October 5, 2009
Fifty-nine percent (59%) approve of Democratic Governor Steve Beshear’s job performance, with 17% who strongly approve. Forty-one percent (41%) disapprove, including 16% who strongly disapprove...
This discrepancy between polls has several interpretations. Both polling numbers could be accurate, which is highly unlikely. Little has happened in KY during the last few weeks to change Beshear’s numbers that radically. This discrepancy could mean that Rasmussen oversampled the urban areas or that Survey USA under sampled them. Supportive evidence for this hypothesis is found in the Survey USA data that is presented below, Without being able to analyze the Rasmussen sample, any hypothesis concerning the differences between polls might be correct. Regardless, Rasmussen data showing a Conway surge must be questioned and that Beshear might be in trouble, Drted
Behsear's Numbers By Region
Western Louisville Northern Eastern
Pos 46% 54% 41% 33%
Neg 49% 44% 50% 59%