Dear Friends:
Join us in welcoming Cynthia McKinney to the 12th Annual Unity Dinner sponsored by the Kentucky Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression. It takes place on Saturday, November 21, 2009 at Mastersons on Third Street.
Tickets are $45 each. Tables of 10 are $450. We are also asking organizations and individuals to take out an ad in the program-$100 for a full page, $50 for a half page, $25 for a quarter page.
The Unity Dinner each year is a gathering place for all of Louisville's justice community to mix and mingle and celebrate our victories. We are sure this year's dinner will match the inspiring evening we had in 2008 with Dr. Joycelyn Elders that you may have attended.
Cynthia McKinney is a former 6 term congressperson from Georgia, the first African-American to represent that state. She also was the 2008 Green Party candidate for president running with hip-hop artist and activist, Rosa Clemente. Ms. McKinney has taken strong stands on the rights of Palestinians to LGBT rights and everything in between and has remained principled even at risk to her own career and life (e.g being imprisoned by Israeli Defense Forces for trying to take aid to Gaza.)
We will also be recognizing former Kentucky State Senator, Georgia Davis Powers, the first African-American in the state legislature, with the Anne Braden Lifetime Achievement Award.
Pam McMichael-Director of the Highlander Center in Tennessee and former leader of Louisville's Fairness Campaign
Khalilah Collins-Director of Women in Transition
Bud Dorsey - Longtime photojournalist recording the African American history of Louisville for the Louisville Defender
CALL 778-8130 BETWEEN 10AM AND 2PM WEEKDAYS OR CONTACT [email protected] for tickets, program ads or more information.
Send checks to
KY Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression
PO Box 1543
Louisville KY 40201
We look forward to seeing you there!
K.A. Owens, Kathleen Parks, David Lott
Kentucky Alliance co-chairs