The CBO’s and JCT’S Definitions of insurance groups:
Nongroup Policies: New policies purchased from insurers individually
Small Group Market: Employer-based policies for organizations/business with 50 or fewer workers.
Large Group Market: Employer-based policies for organizations/business with more than 50 workers.
Small Group and Large Group Markets
The legislation would have much smaller effects on premiums for employment-based coverage, which would account for about five-sixths of the total health insurance market. In the small group market, the CBO and JCT estimate that the change in the average premium per person resulting from the legislation could range from an increase of 1 percent to a reduction of 2 percent in 2016 (relative to current law).6 In the large group market the legislation would yield an average premium per person that is zero to 3 percent lower in 2016.