Governor Steve Beshear's Communications Office
Press Release Date: Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Contact Information:
Jay Blanton
Jill Midkiff
FRANKFORT, Ky. – Gov. Steve Beshear today announced the award of 87 federal stimulus Justice Assistance Grants totaling $12.8 million. The grants, funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, are estimated to create or preserve 87 jobs, and will be used to support new and continuing public safety and justice programs, including enforcement, victims’ services, substance abuse prevention, and offender intervention.
Awards totaling an additional $2.1 million will be announced at a future date.
Attending a post-awards conference to congratulate the recipients, Beshear said the receiving agencies “represent some of the state’s most creative criminal justice programs and most deserving communities.
“These funds will now enable the recognized programs to hire new employees, provide services, and purchase vital equipment and supplies that would otherwise be impossible in the present economic situation,” he said.
Beshear added that the Justice and Public Safety Cabinet will administer these awards to state and local governments and not-for-profit agencies across the Commonwealth. The one-time funds represent the largest portion of the state’s public safety stimulus dollars, and are part of the “Kentucky at Work” initiative announced by the governor in February 2009.
Applications were accepted in two categories: Restricted (total proposed project cost under $25,000), or Unrestricted (total proposed project cost greater than $25,000). The largest award, $1,955,516, went to the Department of Corrections for surveillance cameras to prevent criminal activity and promote safety in Kentucky’s prisons. Awards were based on numerous factors, including score, geographic and programmatic distribution, and Cabinet policy priorities (e.g., substance abuse). Award periods are generally for one year, and are subject to intensive reporting requirements.
Award announcements for Victim of Crime Act (VOCA) and Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) stimulus funds will be released at a future date.