For Immediate Release
Contact: Mark Riddle October 5, 2009 [email protected]
A new independent poll confirms that Attorney General Jack Conway has captured the momentum in Kentucky's United States Senate campaign. Despite months of Daniel Mongiardo's relentless spin, the new independent poll by Rasmussen Research shows clearly that Mongiardo's support is deteriorating.
While Conway holds a strong 49% favorable and 27% unfavorable rating among all Kentucky voters, Mongiardo has a weak net negative rating of just 41% favorable and 43% unfavorable. The independent poll shows Jack Conway is the strongest Democrat against both Republican candidates Trey Grayson and Rand Paul. Conway runs even with Grayson, and is four points ahead of Paul. Mongiardo trails Grayson by 7 points (44% to 37%) and trails Paul by 5 points (43% to 38%).
"The people of Kentucky trust Attorney General Jack Conway because he's delivered results for them," said Mark Riddle, a Conway strategist. Since being elected Kentucky's attorney general, Jack Conway has saved taxpayers $162 million, put child predators behind bars, and fought to keep illegal prescription drugs out of the hands of children.
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