October 1, 2009 MEDIA CONTACT
Trey Pollard 202.225.5401
(Washington, DC) This afternoon, Congressman John Yarmuth (KY-3) issued the following statement in response to Minority Leader John Boehner’s (OH-8) assertion that he has yet to meet a regular American who is in favor of the public insurance option.
“There are plenty of average Americans in Louisville who support the public insurance option, and I’d be happy to personally pay for one of them to fly to Washington to tell John Boehner why, if he will agree to meet with them in public,” said Congressman Yarmuth. “Shoot, I’ll pay for John to come to Louisville, if that will make it easier for the Minority Leader.”
Earlier today, Boehner claimed that he was “still trying to find the first American to talk to who’s in favor of the public option, other than a Member of Congress or the Administration.”
Congressman Yarmuth supports the health care reform legislation now before the House which includes a public option.