Voting for Bruce Lunsford is not an easy decision for me. Mr. Lunsford is no progressive. He is no choirboy. His questionable actions as head of Vencor have hurt a number of people, including a good friend of mine.
After much pondering, I have decided to vote for Bruce Lunsford. This is because Mitch McCONell’s actions in Washington have been CONtrary to every political belief in my body.
The Mitch’s actions have impaired the country’s financial security by supporting
the notorious Graham, Gramm-Leach-Bliley (Financial Modernization) Act in 1999. Many economists are saying that this act led to our current financial malaise.
Here is the original wording of that bill: “An Act to enhance competition in the financial services industry by providing a prudential framework for the affiliation of banks, securities firms, and other financial service providers, and for other purposes. Sponsor: Sen Graham, Phil [TX] (introduced 4/28/1999)”
The Mitch’s actions have impaired the wellbeing of Kentucky’s working families.
In 2005, he Voted NO on repealing the tax subsidy for companies which move US jobs offshore. In this senate session, he obstructed action on the Employees Free Choice Act.
The Mitch has tried to make senior citizens, women, and the young more vulnerable.
In 2005, he led the senate fight for privatization of our social security system.
In this senate session, he obstructed passage of needed increases to S-CHIP.
He also blocked passage of a bill that would make it easier for women to sue
employers for pay discrimination.
The Mitch has disregarded our civil rights.
He has continuously fought for swift decisions on Bush’s controversial judicial
Recently, he blocked passage of the DC Voting Rights Act.
The Mitch has shown a lack of concern for our educational, environmental and health care needs
He has been one of the big supporters of Bush’s failed No Child Left Behind
As majority leader of the Senate, Mitch pushed through those awful changes to Medicare.
He has repeatedly supported Bush’s nominees to the environmental protection agencies. These nominees sole intention was to neuter the enforcement powers of these agencies. McConnell also blocked a climate change bill.
I could have gone on and on about McCONell, like his continuous support of that mission in Iraq. The mission that was supposedly accomplished in 2003. Let’s really finish that mission by retiring the Mitch, the great obstructer to the peace and welfare of this country.