Lunsford (D) vs. McConnell (R): Too close to call.
This race will turn on the African-American turnout and vote. Steve Newberry’s big vctory in the 9th Senate District (Barren County) might also help put Lunsford over the top.
The Mitch’s close contact with the Bush is poisoning his chances for re-election. The progressives will vote for Lunsford as an ant-Mitch vote. The fiscal conservatives might not vote because of their disdain for the bailout.
3rd Congressional District: Yarmuth(D), with 55% or more of the vote, beats Northup(R). Yarmuth has represented the 3rd Congressional District well. Northup has not made her case for change.
2nd Congressional District: Edge to Guthrie(R) over Boswell (D). Hardin County, which is very conservative, might make the difference here. Though, Boswell is a fiscal conservative