Ø U.S. unemployment now at 5-Year high of 6.1 percent
Ø 84,000 more jobs lost in August; 605,000 total jobs lost since January
Ø 8th straight month of negative job growth under the Bush economy
Ø Even the conservative U.S. Chamber of Commerce admits recession is imminent
Washington D.C. – Americans United for Change, the progressive issue-advocacy group sponsoring the national Bush Legacy Tour, blasted Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell today for once again standing with President Bush over Kentucky families struggling under the worst financial and economic crisis the nation has seen since the Great Depression. In the face of President Bush’s veto threats of the Economic Recovery Act of 2008, Obstructionist-in-Chief McConnell said “Yes Sir, Mr. President” and voted today to filibuster the urgently needed economic boost. See attached document for details of the $56.2 billion recovery package - highlights include:
- And extension of unemployment benefits by seven weeks in all States and another 13 weeks in high unemployment areas
- Temporary increase of Food Stamp benefits by 10 percent
- Provides $5.1 billion for Low-Income Home Energy Assistance
- Provides $19.6 Billion to reduce the States share of Medicaid costs by increasing the Federal share by four percent
- Provides $10.8 Billion for building and repairing highways, bridges, mass transit, airports, and AMTRAK, creating 384,000 jobs.
- Provides assistance to families displaced by foreclosure
“When it comes to $12 billion a month to keep our soldiers stuck in the crosshairs of civil war in Iraq, Senator McConnell can find the money. When it comes to massive giveaways to corporations that outsource American jobs, Senator McConnell can definitely find the money. But when given a chance to provide urgently needed relief to the thousands of Kentucky families who have lost their jobs, their healthcare, their homes and their dignity under the worsening Bush economy, Mitch McConnell couldn’t spare a dime,” said Jeremy Funk of Americans United for Change.
“McConnell stood in the way of an extension of unemployment benefits for struggling Kentucky men and women trying to find a job in a non-existent job market,” added Funk. “McConnell stood in the way of money for infrastructure improvements that would have created hundreds of thousands of new jobs. McConnell even voted against assistance for Kentucky families who have no where to go after losing their home in the sub-prime mortgage crisis.”
“But, it’s just what the people of Kentucky have come to expect from their Senator who has voted in lockstep with the President’s failed policies 93 percent of the time according to Congressional Quarterly. For someone who often preaches about personal responsibility, Senator McConnell ought to take a little responsibility himself after rubberstamping the failed Bush policies that got us into this mess, like “trickle-down” economics that never “trickled-down,” government deregulation, and an economically draining, endless war in Iraq.”
“The Bush Legacy may go down in history as one of the most irresponsible and out-of-touch presidencies ever; and Senator McConnell will leave behind his own legacy of putting blind allegiance to Bush ahead of the best interests of Kentucky.”