Prospect, KY) Mike Cassaro, the only practicing physician running for U.S. Senate, proposes a Healthcare Bill of Rights, which focuses on improving the healthcare of all Americans.
Mike Cassaro’s Healthcare Bill of Rights is as follows: All American citizens regardless of pre-existing conditions have the right to:
· Affordable health insurance, including mental health and dental benefits.
· Effective and timely emergency room care.
· Reasonably priced, safe and effective perception medicines.
· Wellness counseling.
· Precise information regarding the safety of our food and environment.
· Readily available information about the record and reputation of healthcare providers.
· Health insurance that is portable(which people can take with them when they change
employers or careers.)
· Health insurance tailored to the needs of each individual or family.
· Accountability on the part of insurance companies who deny care to any American
(For more information on this Bill of Rights, see Mike’s healthcare video @
“Proposing this Healthcare Bill of Rights will be one of my first actions as your U.S. Senator,” claims Mike Cassaro. However, this Bill of Rights is just a start in my mission to help repair our deteriorating healthcare system.”
Mike Cassaro also wants to seek remedies to America’s doctor shortage. “Few politicians or policy makers ever talk about this shortage, which will get worse in the next few years. Approximately 40% of today’s physicians are within ten years of retirement,” observes Dr. Mike Cassaro.
America’s doctor shortage is a key factor in the inadequate health care that many Kentuckians receive. Approximately 50% of Kentuckians live in medically underserved areas, with sixty-nine (mainly rural) Kentucky counties having inadequate primary care access. (Information comes from a Kaiser Foundation Report and a 2003 Interim General Assembly HealthCare and Welfare Committee Report).
“These problems with Kentucky’s healthcare system speak volumes about Mitch McConnell’s poor leadership in Washington. Once again, Mitch McConnell manifests a total lack of care for the people. I will put people first as your U.S. Senator,” says Mike Cassaro.
--Mike Cassaro for U.S. Senator Campaign; courtesy of Frank Leidermann, Acting Editor