While John McCain and Mitch McConnell have benefitted from government funded health insurance for three decades both have obstructed numerous efforts to help solve the healthcare crisis faced by working people throughout Kentucky and the nation.
McConnell voted against the reauthorization and expansion of the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) six times in 2007. McCain also voted against, or was absent, for each of the six votes, and supported the Bush veto of the expansion despite the pleas of forty-three of the nation's governors to reauthorize and expand the program. As a result, 3.8 million American children, thousands of them right here in Kentucky, do not have health insurance.[Senate Votes: 307, 8/2/07; 352, 9/27/07; 353, 9/27/07; 401, 10/31/07; 402, 11/01/07; 403, 11/1/07]
Now, as a candidate for president, John McCain is vowing to work with governors to solve the health care crisis; however, he failed to listen to them when they begged for leadership in Washington. We can't afford four years of the McCain Double Talk Express and McConnell's obstructionist votes.
McCain offers election year rhetoric about healthcare, but no solutions. His current healthcare plan does not focus on reducing the number of uninsured Americans. "The McCain campaign has no estimate of how many of America's 47 million uninsured would likely gain coverage under its plan." [New York Times, 3/2/2008]
Not only does McCain offer no solutions, his proposal might well make the problem worse. His plan to permit people to buy their health insurance across state lines "would allow health-insurance companies to escape state regulations they don't like, such as rules allowing for appeals when companies deny coverage and rules requiring insurers to cover people with various conditions or to cover particular types of treatments. The companies would likely gravitate to the states with the regulations they most favored." [Wall Street Journal, 4/19/2008] McCain and McConnell support making tax cuts permanent for the wealthiest Americans, while blocking legislation to provide working men and women, and their children, with access to quality, affordable healthcare. Both of our Presidential candidates are offering comprehensive healthcare plans that will work for all Americans. Our Democratic candidates are offering solutions. Please help send a message to McCain and McConnell this Tuesday. Please do your part, vote May 20 and make sure you tell your friends, families and neighbors to vote. As we move ahead to November, please join us in getting the message out. Please help us elect Democrats. Please be part of the solution. Sincerely, Jennifer A. Moore --KDP; courtesy of Frank Leidermann, Acting Editor
Chair, Kentucky Democratic Party